Sunday, April 27, 2008

My New Home

My tent arrived last week and, obviously, I had to practice setting it up in my parents' yard.

If I don't find a new apartment for the fall, maybe I'll just pitch this baby in the courtyard of the Anthro department...

Anyhow, I declare it jungle-worthy. May the tent gods bless me and maintain its waterproofing from May 12 to June 10.



Susan said...

Now, in the field, does the size of one's tent indicate one's position of power and privilege on the project site, or merely one's desire for comfort? You, James and Casey should do a tent-off. I think Casey would win, no?

Colin said...

If you pitch a tent at the department (he he), a certain someone will look out the window and call the cops to have you deported.

Stacey said...

...and then you can be a part of my MA thesis! Dooooo it.

Caitlin said...

I love how there's always a spike in blog/facebook activity whenever we've all got a paper due.