Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mi palacio (cohort scavenger hunt, assignment #1)

They named a (hot pink) toilet paper after me...not a good sign of the gastrointestinal year ahead?

Nicer bathrooms -- like mine -- are generally covered in tile, with a brick barrier that helps keep shower water on one side of the room. Note that because the Bolivian septic system can't handle toilet paper, we all have little trash cans for such purposes. One of the hardest things for me each time I return from Bolivia is remembering that American toilets can handle toilet paper. Ahem.

The WIDOW MAKER. Most Bolivian showers are heated electrically (note the electrical cord connected to the shower). You have to be careful or you can get a nasty shock.

But lucky me -- my compadres have also installed a gas alternative for heating shower water, using the electric shower only when we run out of gas. These garrafas even allow me to have warmish water for my bathroom sink! Fancy fancy!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Love this.

But on a related note, anyone want to start a separate collection of all our photos of Susan strategically hiding her face with various props and people? I think the Sussy toilet paper is a new favorite in that motif as well.