Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Roof with a View

No great insights to share, but I thought I'd post a few photos from the rooftop patio at Braulio and Bacilica's house (where I'm staying). Unfortunately, these photos don't really do the Cordillera de los Andes justice...

El Alto homes are frequently a mix of adobe, brick and my neighbors' home.


Stacey said...

This looks gorgeous! And sunny! Hope that means the weather may have improved, although I'm starting to feel less sorry for you as I spend hours online trying to find a rain coat appropriate for sweltering summer storms in Nigeria (and avoiding my KBW paper in the process).

Good luck with the interviews (I'm sure it will be plural soon) and don't feel guilty for networking! This summer is not just about an MA, but about many years to come. Plus, it's about you, so have some fun and reconnect. Can't wait to hear more : )

Susan said...

That's the great thing about El Alto/La Paz in the winter: it's VERY sunny. A rather piercing sun, but not a drop in the sky. Clear. Gorgeous views of the mountains. During the day, the temperature can rise into the 50s, but at night, it's well below freezing...I do not envy being in Nigeria's sweltering rainy heat, though. Once you find an appropriate slicker, you'll have to post a photo. You folks need to get blogging -- it's lonely out here...Thanks for animandome (encouraging me).