Saturday, July 5, 2008


This is one of thousands of cloth vendors in Kano, the oldest city in West Africa and the biggest city in Northern Nigeria.

Kano is under sharia law and these little green signs line the streets with phrases from the Koran written in Arabic and English. Behind the sign you can see a Daidaita Sahu, which I've heard literally translated as "be orderly" and "prepare for prayer", but which is the common term for these little yellow tut-tuts reserved for women so they don't have to share cramped public transportation with men.

And here we are, in all our greasy glory, in a Daidaita Sahu (luckily not during a rainstorm, when that cardboard repair job wouldn't hold out for long).

This is the family compound where we stayed in Kano. Our house is the second to the right.

Finally, here is encouragement that my research interests really are relevant : )

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh, la, la these are wonderful photos!