Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Still kicking...

For any out there who may not know, while others are out in the proverbial "field," I stay closer to home, which is to say, I don't really go anywhere -- save the library, historical society, what-have-you. To my fellow cohorters, let's just say, the graveyard research has been proceeding as planned, i.e., lots of silence and alone-time to get my work done.

Here's a puzzle for the more materially inclined: any connection between these two images?

The first is a petroglyph of Native American origin (Western Abenaki?) from Vermont of unknown date. The second is a gravestone from Rowley, Massachusetts carved about 1690. The more I investigate the nature of intra-cultural exchange in seventeenth-century New England, the more I'm tending to think, yes. The problem is, there is little to no evidence to back up a connection.

On a more upbeat note, here is my ethnographic observation of the summer: I was driving through Cranston en route to Greene Farm one morning (I did a little work out there with Krysta, et al.), when what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a six?-year-old being walked by a pug. In this strange role-reversal, the child was running from side to side on the sidewalk while this little proud dog strutted along in front, tail up. While I can't necessarily get on board with the painful lack of parental oversight, I wholeheartedly approve of sending rambunctious children to be herded by more intelligent animals.


James of the Jungle said...

I think they are ghosts of colonists! We have a ghost living in this house. His name is Pepe and apparently he drank himself to death. Maybe I'll ask him what he thinks.

Can I go on a cemetery trip with you in August?

Caitlin said...

Obvious evidence that extra-terrestrials were visiting New England in the 17th Century.

Susan said...

So, can I add to our list of Cohort activities going on a field trip with Colin? In my fantasy world, we all get to visit each other`s field site. In reality, at least we could get a guided tour by Colin...

And I agree with Caitlin -- UFOs! Every time there are funky shaped heads depicted on ruins in Bolivia, it is explained by your tour guide as evidence of the presence of Omni (UFOs) in precolombian/Incan history...that, or the engravings depict a race of people who pertained to the lost city of Atlantis...which was located in Bolivia...

Laura (laouwra) said...

Um ... kids were asked to draw pictures of their parents at school? Does your doggie walk you around, Colin?